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9 November 2020

Following the Governments announcement of a 2nd lockdown, we continued to support our residents and their loved ones seeing each other, whilst keeping them and our staff safe.

In accordance with the latest guidelines the rule of 6 has now been reduced to one visitor per resident at any one time, visitors must wear a face covering and all visits must be pre booked.

Throughout the summer we supported outdoor and open-door visiting and so prior to the announcement, we started construction of "family rooms" to enable visits to be comfortable during the coming colder months.

1 July 2020

Reintroducing care home visits. So we’re happy to announce that we’re ready to welcome visitors back to our care homes – albeit at a safe distance of at least 2m, and with a few stipulations to minimise the risk (please review the Q&As below).

Thanks to our hard working fabulous staff and early decision making, we have remained COVID-19 free.

(We continue to follow the advice that GOV.UK and the NHS are updating daily as the global outbreak develops).

13 March 2020

Due to the risk of Coronavirus to our residents, we are now restricting visitors to Essential and exceptional-circumstance-by-arrangement only

The health, safety and wellbeing of our Residents and Colleagues are always our top priorities. We have therefore taken comprehensive action to prepare for, and respond to, the growing coronavirus outbreak in the UK. This page details the latest advice from Able Care about the steps we are taking at our homes. This information is intended for Able Care Residents, Colleagues, and any visitors to our homes only.
